• Aktiengesellschaft: € 1000
  • GmbH: € 1000


  • Geschäftsführungs- und Verwaltungsratsmandate: € 3000
  • Gründung mit Vollmacht: € 500


  • Finanzbuchhaltung und Jahresabschlüsse ab € 250
  • MwSt/USt Anmelden / Bearbeiten ab € 100


  • Kostenlose Kontoeröffnung


  • Unabhängige, persönliche Lösungen
  • Schweizer Immobilien & Bauprojekte



Swiss hotels received almost as many guests in 2022 as they did before the Covid-19 pandemic. Tourists from Europe and America have largely returned, but Covid restrictions in China and Japan meant numbers from those countries remained low.

26/02/2023: Switzerland faces shortage of 51,000 homes, says study

By 2026 there is likely to be a shortage of 51,000 homes in Switzerland, equivalent to a city the size of Lucerne, according to an estimate by the real estate consultant Wüest Partner.

23/02/2023: Swiss court rejects request to unfreeze seized oligarch funds

Switzerland’s highest court has overturned a previous ruling which stopped legal assistance to Russia in an embezzlement case involving a prominent banking oligarch.

23/02/2023: Demand for Swiss hotels close to pre-pandemic level

Swiss hotels received almost as many guests in 2022 as they did before the Covid-19 pandemic. Tourists from Europe and America have largely returned, but Covid restrictions in China and Japan meant numbers from those countries remained low.

22/02/2023: Healthy life expectancy on the increase in Switzerland

In the space of a decade, the “healthy” life expectancy rose by 2.1 years for men and 1.5 years for women, a study has found.

21/02/2023: Swiss imports from Russia rose in January

Swiss imports from Russia rose by almost a fifth of a percent in January compared with the previous month, largely due to purchases of Russian gold transported via the UK.

16/02/2023: Hefty fines against Swiss pharma giants lifted

An appeals court in France has overturned a record fine imposed by the French competition authority against the Swiss pharmaceutical companies Novartis and Roche.

29/12/2022: Schöne Nachrichten aus 2022, die Hoffnung machen

Krieg, Klimakrise oder Energieknappheit, schlechte Nachrichten sind überall. Damit die guten Nachrichten nicht vergessen gehen: Ein Rückblick auf das Positive, das 2022 in der Schweiz und im Rest der Welt geschehen ist.

09/09/2022: Questions and answers on Switzerland's neutrality

On 28 February 2022, the Federal Council decided to join the EU sanctions against Russia. Questions and answers regarding Switzerland's neutrality in view of this decision.

20/12/2021: Rückblick auf 2021

Was uns dieses Jahr trennte, und weshalb wir 2022 gelassener sein sollten

18/05/2021: Digitale Vermögenswerte: Der Nachfrage gerecht werden

Wie können Banken ihren Kunden sichere Lösungen in dieser neuen Anlageklasse anbieten?

23/04/2020: Neues Coronavirus: Situation Schweiz

22/04/2020: Time to WAKE UP! | Dr Rashid A Buttar

Dr Rashid A Buttar

22/04/2020: Bleiben Sie Gesund

Übungen zur Verbesserung Ihres Immunsystems

21/04/2020: Weltrangliste: Schweiz

20/04/2020: Steuerrecht des Kantons Zug

19/04/2020: London Real über Corona Virus

04/02/2016: Switzerland welcomes Chinese investment in largest-ever deal (de)

Brought to you by Investec Switzerland. Switzerland is welcoming ChemChina’s $43 billion takeover of Syngenta SA, the Alpine nation’s biggest-ever deal, with open arms.

03/02/2016: Why Switzerland was ranked the most economically free nation in Europe (de)

Switzerland was placed fourth globally in the 2016 Economic Freedom index published by the Heritage Foundation on Monday. One of only five countries declared economically free,

01/02/2016: Inequality in Switzerland (de)

The Swiss federal statistics office has published the latest data on income inequality in Switzerland. The figures look at income and show how it is spread across the population. They also show the leveling effect of government redistribution.