Welcome to our Swiss company formation services!

On this page you will find short and useful information that will help you to make a decision to start your business in Switzerland. In addition, we provide more datailed information on your request.


Why Switzerland?

Fair Taxation: 11.9% on the new operating income, 0.002% of holding companies in canton of Zug.

VAT standard rate: 7.7%

Communication with authorities: very easy and business friendly.

Legal certainty, stability and safety: very high.

Economy and currency: very strong

Quality of life: very high

Crypto payments/business: widely welcome


Types of Companies

Limited liability company (GmbH)

minimum share capital: CHF 20,000

anonymity: names of founders are filed with commercial registry

residency requirements: minimum one manager with signing authority and residency in Switzerland.


Corporation (AG)

minimum share capital: CHF 100,000 for registered shares; CHF 50,000 to be paid-in.

anonymity: no filing

residency requirements: minimum one member of the board with signing authority and residency in Switzerland.


Association (Verein)

minimum share capital: no capital requirements

anonymity: names of founders are filed with commercial registry

residency requirements: minimum one member of the committee with signing authority and residency in Switzerland.